Sara Hodges
Director of Data and Visualization

Education Finance Data

Education Finance Mapping

EdBuild Data Resources

Master Data

Data Sources

Master codebook

codebook = master_codebook()
Variable.Name Description Data.Source
State State Name F33
CONUM County Code F33
NCESID Agency ID - NCES Assigned NCES
Name School System Name F33
ENROLL Fall Membership F33
SLR Total Revenue from State and Local Sources F33/EdBuild
SR Total Revenue from State Sources F33/EdBuild
LR Total Revenue from Local Sources F33/EdBuild
SLRPP Total Revenue from State and Local Sources Per Pupil F33/EdBuild
SRPP Total Revenue from State Sources Per Pupil F33/EdBuild
LRPP Total Revenue from Local Sources Per Pupil F33/EdBuild
SLRPP_cola Total Revenue from State and Local Sources Per Pupil Cost-adjusted F33/C2ER/EdBuild
SRPP_cola Total Revenue from State Sources Per Pupil Cost-adjusted F33/C2ER/EdBuild
LRPP_cola Total Revenue from Local Sources Per Pupil Cost-adjusted F33/C2ER/EdBuild
County County Name NCES
state_id State Agency ID for District NCES
dType Local Educaion Agency Type NCES
dUrbanicity Locale, Urban-Centric NCES
dOperational_schools Total Number Operational Schools NCES
dEnroll_district Total Students, All Grades (Excludes AE) NCES
FRL Free and Reduced Lunch Students NCES
FRL_rate Percent of Free and Reduced Lunch Students NCES/EdBuild
LEP Limited English Proficient (LEP) / English Language Learners (ELL) NCES
IEP Individualized Education Program Students NCES
dWhite White Students NCES
pctNonwhite Nonwhite Enrollment NCES
dBlack Black Students NCES
dHispanic Hispanic Students NCES
dHawaiian_PI Hawaiian Nat./Pacific Isl. Students NCES
dAsian_PI Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander Students NCES
dAmIndian_Aknative American Indian/Alaska Native Students NCES
d2plus_races Two or More Races Students NCES
Tpop Estimated Total Population SAIPE
StPop Estimated Population age 5-17 SAIPE
StPov Estimated number of relevant children 5 to 17 years old in poverty who are related to the householder SAIPE
StPovRate StPov/StPop SAIPE
MHI Median Household Income EDGE, ACS 5-year
MPV Median Owner-Occupied Property Value EDGE, ACS 5-year
sd_area Area (square miles) EdBuild
students_per_sq_mile Students per square mile EdBuild/NCES

Data Processing

Taming the System: Common Data Questions... and Answers!

Why National Data?

Why revenues?

Why not include federal revenue?

Which student count?

How student count impacts equity assessments


master17 <- masterpull(data_year = "2017", data_type = "geo") 

### this file was downloaded from
### Current Expenditure Per ADA 2009-10 to 2017-18
mo_ada <- read.xlsx("/MO_ADA.xlsx", sheet = "2016-2017") %>% 
  select(District.Code, ADA) %>% 
  mutate(state_id = gsub("-", "", District.Code))

st_louis_county <- master17 %>% 
  right_join(mo_ada, by = "state_id")% 
  filter(CONUM == "29189" | CONUM == "29510") %>% 
  select(NAME, ENROLL, ADA, StPovRate, SR) %>% 
  mutate(`ADA/Enrollment Ratio` = ADA/ENROLL,
         StateRevper_ADA = SR/ADA,
         StateRevper_Enroll = SR/ENROLL,
         `Miscount Per Student` = StateRevper_ADA - StateRevper_Enroll) %>% 
  rename(`Student Poverty Rate` = StPovRate)

st_louis_f <- st_louis_county %>% 
  rename(`School District` = NAME) %>% 
  arrange(desc(`Student Poverty Rate`)) %>% 
  mutate(Enrollment = comma(ENROLL, big.mark = ","),
     ADA = comma(ADA, big.mark = ","),
     `State Revenue Per ADA` = dollar(StateRevper_ADA, accuracy=1, big.mark = ","),
     `State Revenue Per Enrollment` = dollar(StateRevper_Enroll, accuracy=1, big.mark = ","),
     `Miscount of revenue per student` = dollar(`Miscount Per Student`, accuracy=1, big.mark = ","),
     `Student Poverty Rate` = percent(`Student Poverty Rate`, accuracy = 1),
     `ADA/Enrollment Ratio` = percent(`ADA/Enrollment Ratio`, accuracy = 1),
     `State Revenue` = dollar(SR, accuracy=1, big.mark = ",")) %>% 	
  select(`School District`, `Student Poverty Rate`, Enrollment, ADA, `ADA/Enrollment Ratio`, 
     `State Revenue`, `State Revenue Per ADA`, `State Revenue Per Enrollment`, 
     `Miscount of revenue per student`) 

School District Student Poverty Rate Enrollment ADA ADA/Enrollment Ratio State Revenue State Revenue Per ADA State Revenue Per Enrollment Miscount of revenue per student
Normandy Schools Collaborative 31% 3,770 3,390 90% $28,116,000 $8,295 $7,458 $837
St. Louis City School District 31% 28,270 21,422 76% $105,949,000 $4,946 $3,748 $1,198
Riverview Gardens School District 31% 5,915 5,235 88% $38,849,000 $7,421 $6,568 $854
Jennings School District 29% 2,570 2,369 92% $17,127,000 $7,229 $6,664 $565
Ferguson-Florissant R-II School District 22% 10,748 9,027 84% $56,426,000 $6,251 $5,250 $1,001
Hancock Place School District 21% 1,283 1,413 110% $9,514,000 $6,732 $7,415 $-684
Ritenour School District 20% 6,485 5,687 88% $33,276,000 $5,851 $5,131 $720
Hazelwood School District 18% 17,952 16,508 92% $90,920,000 $5,508 $5,065 $443
University City School District 14% 2,818 2,443 87% $14,928,000 $6,112 $5,297 $814
Valley Park School District 13% 751 824 110% $2,999,000 $3,638 $3,993 $-356
Pattonville R-III School District 13% 5,793 5,287 91% $24,106,000 $4,559 $4,161 $398
Bayless School District 13% 1,571 1,640 104% $9,077,000 $5,535 $5,778 $-243
Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District 10% 1,366 1,194 87% $5,526,000 $4,628 $4,045 $582
Affton 101 School District 8% 2,474 2,409 97% $8,760,000 $3,636 $3,541 $95
Mehlville R-IX School District 6% 10,140 9,558 94% $36,377,000 $3,806 $3,587 $219
Brentwood School District 5% 676 728 108% $3,553,000 $4,877 $5,256 $-379
Lindbergh School District 4% 6,677 6,116 92% $18,660,000 $3,051 $2,795 $256
Parkway C-2 School District 4% 16,603 16,752 101% $54,630,000 $3,261 $3,290 $-29
Ladue School District 4% 4,063 3,832 94% $16,757,000 $4,373 $4,124 $248
Webster Groves School District 4% 4,518 4,198 93% $18,701,000 $4,455 $4,139 $316
Clayton School District 3% 2,254 2,455 109% $10,987,000 $4,475 $4,874 $-400
Rockwood R-VI School District 3% 19,675 19,852 101% $76,819,000 $3,870 $3,904 $-35
Kirkwood R-VII School District 3% 5,780 5,263 91% $18,844,000 $3,580 $3,260 $320
stlouis <- ggplot(st_louis_county, aes(`Student Poverty Rate`, `Miscount Per Student`, color = `Student Poverty Rate`)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(size = ENROLL)) + 
  scale_color_gradient(low="#dff3fe", high="#19596d") +
  theme_bw() +
St Louis County, Miscount of State Revenue with ADA

Economically Disadvantaged Count

  • For national comparisons of economic disadvantage, we recommend using the estimated student poverty rate.
  • SAIPE Poverty Rate
  • Proportion of relevant children aged 5-17 that are living in poverty (poverty threshold determined by the size of family)
    • All children that the school district is responsible for, meaning age-relevant for elementary/secondary districts
    • Not enrollment, children may go to private school or not attend school
    • An estimation based on IRS data and ACS 5-year population data
  • Free- and reduced price- lunch (FRL)
  • Proportion of students at or below 185 percent of the poverty threshold, plus some additional non-poor children who meet other eligibility criteria, plus other students in schools and districts that have exercised the Community Eligibility option
    • No longer accurate for many schools and districts because of CEP participation
    • Under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP), schools and LEAs with a minimum Identified Student Percentage (≥40 percent) in the prior school year are eligible for school or district-wide free lunch and report FRL as 100%.
    • For a deeper look into the impact of CEP on economic disadvantage count, read this working paper.
  • Direct Certification/Identified Student Percentage (ISP)
  • Proportion of students approved for free meals without an application because they either have been identified as low income by another program (such as SNAP, formerly food stamps) or are considered at risk of hunger (because they are homeless or in foster care, for example).
  • State-defined economically disadvantaged count
  • Different definition across states, usually a combination of measures
  • Ohio's definition:
    • Eligible for FRL
    • Direct certification
    • Students whose families are eligible for public assistance via EMAD
    • Through Title 1 form eligibility

How are pensions handled?

Example: Illinois State Report Card- and US Census, F33- reported state revenues.

Illinois State Report Card vs
Census, F33
Illinois State Report Card vs
Census, F33 (w/out state pension payments)

Using master data

Edbuild standard exclusions

Use the masterpull function to quantify the average school district under each exclusion.

master_fin = masterpull(data_year = "2017", data_type = "fin")

averages_fin <- master_fin %>% 
  summarise(Exclusion = "finance",
             Districts = comma(n()),
            `Average Student Poverty Rate` = percent(mean(StPovRate, na.rm = TRUE), accuracy = 1L),
            `Average Local Rev Per Pupil` = dollar(round(mean(LRPP, na.rm = TRUE), 0)),
            `Average Total Rev Per Pupil` = dollar(round(mean(SLRPP, na.rm = TRUE), 0)))
Average School District Revenues
Exclusion Districts Average Student Poverty Rate Average Local Rev Per Pupil Average Total Rev Per Pupil
finance 13,037 17% $7,308 $14,413
general 13,184 17% $7,439 $14,581
with geography 13,287 17% $7,457 $14,601
all districts 18,381 17% $7,923 $15,633

Data Questions

Education Finance Mapping

Data Source

Common School District Mapping Questions

What years are school district shapes available?

What's with elementary and secondary districts?

master_shp <- sd_shapepull()

sdType <- %>% 
select(-geometry) %>% 
group_by(sdType) %>% 
summarise(districts = n())
sdType districts
unified 10,865
elementary 1,958
secondary 486

EdBuild data tools and resources
